• Lakeville,
    United States
  • June
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Adam Fleisher

Connecticut, United States
9 46
"Lime Rock Park Speedway- run the mountain"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Adam Fleisher's thoughts:

Unfortunately the Lime Rock Park Half Marathon is not occurring at this time. I ran it for 2 years. It was one of the most challenging courses I have run on.
You start off on the Lime Rock Speedway (an actual race course). It is in June so it's hot and humid. You are going to bake while you run you first mile plus (and your final mile plus).
Once you get off the race course property all you do is run up. You keep thinking how much longer can this go on?
Around mile 6 you make a left, pass an aide station, and start to head downhill. You are thinking finally no uphill. The volunteers are cheering for you. They are shouting it's all downhill from here.
You start running faster. One problem is you have to climb up the hill on the way back.
Once you are down the hill you go out about half a mile on a dirt and rock road. There is a small decline and then incline when you hit mile 6.55.
Now you are running the course in reverse. You run about a half mile and hit the hill. Your quad muscles are screaming once you hit the top of the hill.
It is all downhill until you get to the race course. If you can handle it you can get a good pace going downhill.
You will take a right and enter the race course. At this point you see exitic cars (I saw Porches...911 custom cars and Lamborghinis). You bake on the final lap and cross the finish line.
There are 3 water stops, aid stations,. Which turns into 6 because of an out and back course.
The race director, family, and volunteers are great. The race director chooses great charities to give to (this race is Strong to Serve). Every runner gets a tech shirt and finishers medal. Division winners get a pint glass. Everyone gets a printout of their results after you cross the finish line. There is a lot of food and drinks post race.
I am hoping that this race is brought back soon. The picture is the elevation map for the half marathon.

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