Indianapolis Monumental Marathon

Indianapolis Monumental Marathon

Indianapolis Monumental Marathon

( 61 reviews )
98% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Indianapolis,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Kim Townsend

Indiana, United States
3 10
"#BeMonumental Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kim Townsend's thoughts:

This was my third consecutive year running the Monumental Half marathon. It has quickly gained a huge following and the marathon has been sold out the past two years! The expo has a wide variety of vendors and packet pick up is well organized. Parking for the expo is easy as there are many garages available that connect to Circle Center Mall that allow for walking access to the convention center. The race management is great and pre race communication is informative. The course is fast and flat which is why it is becoming a huge hit for people trying to BQ. That being said, book a hotel early if you want to stay downtown. By the first of August there were no rooms to be found downtown. The start line is a tad chaotic as people try to push their way into their corrals. I wish there was a better solution to getting people in the proper place before the start. The start corrals are extremely crowded so much that you must be diligent in the first mile to watch out for the crush of people near you. The course winds around the downtown area and takes you by the monuments and by fall creek. Some of the pavement is rough and has pot holes so keeping an eye on the road is key. Around miles 8-9 I remember the pavement being uneven. There was a ton of crowd support this year! It was great to see so many people cheering along the course. The aid stations were well organized and provided ample support. I was a bit disappointed in the t-shirts and the hat is a nice touch at the finish line, but the colors and design are just not to my taste. The medals are unique and well crafted. Unfortunately, I started doing this race three years ago and missed the first year in which they started doing a four year medal series. So I have three pieces of a puzzle. If you completed all four you did get a beautiful display case to put them in. Overall, this is an excellent race. Indianapolis is a great city with food, shopping, museums and more. The race management is organized and the race is fast and fun. I am a repeat racer and plan on making this an annual event. I love the fact that the organization gives so much back to the Indianapolis Public Schools. This is what makes this race extra special! The organization is really making a difference in the schools and it is wonderful seeing children complete their first 5k with their classmates and teachers! I highly recommend this well organized, fast and flat course. Great town, great charity! Book a hotel early if you want to stay downtown. I will be back next year!

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