Hot Cider Hustle Indianapolis

Hot Cider Hustle Indianapolis

Hot Cider Hustle Indianapolis

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Indianapolis,
    United States
  • December
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Becky Lesh

Indiana, United States
1 8
"Soggy 5K"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Becky Lesh's thoughts:

The Hot Cider Hustle started and finished in White River Park area. The day we ran, it was pouring. For a fee, you could have your packet mailed to you in advance of the event. We opted for morning-of pickup. An email that we received prior to the event let us know that some event shirt sizes were not going to be available the day of the event, and would be mailed the following week. In light of that, organizers offered a 15% discount code for next year's race.
Parking was closeby, but not free. Packet pickup was fairly smooth (though soggy, as it occurred outside under a tent). An appropriate amount of Portalets were set up at the start/finish.
The course was interesting and pretty flat, and traveled by a lot of the downtown museums. With the rain though, portions of the first mile of the course were flooded and kind of hard to navigate. I think if they'd run the course backwards, so that the separation of pace groups had happened in the wider parts of the course, it would have made for a smoother race. The start/finish area was also in a grassy area, that got marshy with the rain. I didn't slip, but was a little bit worried about that as I came into the finish.
Those working the water stop in mile 2 and finish line were great sports about the weather and made sure we had what we needed. In lieu of medals, finishers got a mug that could then promptly be filled with delicious hot apple cider. That was the best.
Swag to take home was the event hoodie (it was fine, but not my favorite), the finishers mug (also fine), and caramel apple (yum!). Bottled waters were also available at the finish.
I think the best parts of this race were that it was the first that I'd done in a downpour, and that I did it with friends. It would be interesting to come back and see how it goes in better weather, but I could go either way on running it again.

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