Hilton Head Marathon

Hilton Head Marathon

Hilton Head Marathon

( 18 reviews )
83% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Hilton Head,
    South Carolina,
    United States
  • February
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Tyeese Gaines

Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
9 12
"Rainy and a bit muddy, but I still managed to PR"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Tyeese Gaines's thoughts:

Overall, I enjoyed this race, and got my best half marathon time thus far -- despite the rain, puddles, occasional mud and hills! It's February, but it wasn't too cold -- the temperature was perfect.

Packet pick up: Pick up was at the Palmetto Running Company, but it wasn't an actual expo. The store was cool, but no typical running booths, etc. The hoodie is good quality. Those with the promo code also received a backpack cooler.

Parking: There was plenty of parking in the school parking lot which was a short 10-minute walk to the start area. It was raining, but there were covered areas to stand under and a long row of port-o-potties.

Pacers: There were pacers for several different times for the half marathon and full marathon. The only suggestion is that the half and marathon could have had different colors instead of all neon yellow. At the start line, it was confusing to see the same time in the same color. The 3-hour pacer did a great job and helped me beat my best time!

Aid Stations: The Aid stations were stocked without long lines and conveniently placed.

Course Scenery: The parks on both side were nice. The view from the bridge was also nice.

Elevation: There were hills heading to the highway as well as on the bridge (that we ran over in both directions).

I would recommend this race!

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