• Richmond,
    United States
  • February
  • 6 miles/10K
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website


Indiana, United States
2 8
"Loop race in a nice setting"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Nicole 's thoughts:

The Haye's Arboretum race offers 10k, half marathon, and full marathon lengths, though half and full marathons repeat the same loop multiple times. This race takes place in February, meaning cold is a serious factor. On the morning of the race the ground was crystallized and the mud crunchy under our feet. This made the scenery especially pretty, but it took a full 2 miles to start feeling even vaguely warm. Thankfully, the nature center provides the perfect place to hang out pre-start and afterwards.

The race is well organized, and it's easy to register online. It's a small race, which is refreshing if you've done a lot of large ones. The terrain is pretty, with lots of things trees to jump over and muddy bits as you go through the park setting. There are loads of switchbacks and tight turns, which can make you a little dizzy as you sometimes feel you're running tight circles. The tight turns, probably combined with mud or roots, caused a couple people to fall. It's not a course for setting records. There are some hills as well. The aid station was fine, and there were hotdogs, hot cocoa, plus fruit and water afterwards. The medal for this race is nothing particularly special, and the shirt was downright ugly, so don't expect awesome swag from this one! Otherwise, a pretty race in a season where there aren't many trail races.

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