Grandma's Marathon

Grandma's Marathon

Grandma's Marathon

( 86 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Duluth,
    United States
  • June
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Virtual Race
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Iowa, United States
4 2
"Well run race, with a party."
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kristin 's thoughts:

This was my first Grandma’s Marathon. I was brought into it by a group of friends that have run it year after year and love the event. The expo was good, very crowded, but nice vendor variety. The bus ride to the start was super convenient and efficient.

The weather for the day was the biggest confusion of the whole event with rain and thunderstorms predicted for the day. The frustration was that we could find very little on the race website or in the packet information to tell us how they would handle it or announce it. The concern was lightening and how they might call the race and what we as runners should be prepared for.

I do not mind running in the rain, and it did! Pre-race was full on rain, that slowed to sprinkles and mist until about mile 15. The sun did peak out a few times, but otherwise the event was nice cool and crisp weather - and no lightening.

The course: While they call it a “flat course” and talk about one notable hill (Lemon Drop Hill), the other reviews I had read said to not be deceived by that description as there were “rolling hills” along the course. Reality: there were gentle rolling hills the entire course. Nothing steep or difficult, but continuous. And much of the time it felt like there was never a down hill to match the up hill you had just finished. The smell of pines, the beautiful scenery, the cabins and houses along the course were all wonderful. The second half of the course had more crowd support and once you were back in Duluth, the crowd was thick! Water stops were frequent and well run and well staffed. It's a big race so there were always lots of runners around you.

Overall this event was great! Definitely a destination event, and you must plan to spend two nights in Duluth so you can take in the party that night. Who knew my exhausted marathon legs could dance for three hours at the post-race party that night. Two cover bands played under the big tent. Music was great. So much fun. Several people I know who were there for the marathon made the drive home that afternoon...don’t do it! They missed out on half of the fun.

I will definitely run this event next year. Great organization, well run, even with lots of rolling gently hills, it is a great course.

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