• Danbury,
    United States
  • March
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Kimberly Greene

Stamford, Connecticut, United States
16 29
"Faxon Law Greater Danbury Half Marathon Race Recap"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kimberly Greene's thoughts:

I ran the Faxon Law Greater Danbury Half Marathon in Danbury, CT.

You would think that by the end of March we would have warmer temperatures right? Nope! Mother Nature still thinks it is winter. Although it did warm up later on in the race, it was cold at the start. The wind didn't help either and the real feel temperature was around 20 degrees. Because I refuse to wear a jacket again for another race, I wore 3 layers underneath my sweatshirt.

To say that the race was a little hilly would be an understatement. The hills on this course are no joke. I felt pretty good during the first half of the race and I was actually able to power up all the hills.

So what were some of the pros/cons of the race?

Awesome 9:15am start time. Since this was a somewhat local race for me (about 50 minutes away), I really appreciated the late start time. Much better than 7am!
Super easy bib pickup - I arrived at 8:30 to get my bib and t-shirt. There were no lines and the workers were really, really friendly
Water stations - Plenty of well manned water stations every other mile. In addition they had Nuun on the course (instead of Gatorade). I always bring my Nathan quick shot handheld filled with Nuun, but I ran out on the course (I was so thirsty!) so I loved being able to refill with Nuun on the course.
GU - GU was available at mile 9. This was great if you needed some extra energy during the race. Luckily I had my honey stinger chews and gel so I didn't need the GU.
Course support - Probably the best on course support I have ever experienced. There were people literally every half mile cheering for you. It was amazing and a great confidence boost at times!

Course description - "Hills of death" should be somewhere in the course description on the website, lol
Post-race food - Again, this is a personal rant but no bagels. This just makes me sad :( but it's not a big deal. They did have pizza so that's a good alternative :)
I don't think I would run the race again unless I trained with hills for a few months prior. Hills are my enemy at the moment.

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