• Dublin,
    United States
  • August
  • 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Ohio, United States
8 15
"Golden Emerald"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jes 's thoughts:

This is your big-small race event. It's a fairly decent sized half marathon, but seems like it's a really small group of runners! What I mean is, there's no expo, just a packet pick-up and where else can you park your car and see the start line? That being said, it's run like a large event, because it is. The course is gorgeous. I don't ever recall much elevation. And it's never crowded which can feel like you're just out for a really long group run, but spectators will turn up where you least expect them which is always a pleasant surprise. There's a decent amount of water stops, but if it's a warm day, I would bring a back-up. The tee-shirts don't wow me, but the medal is the piece of swag that does!
They offer race day packet-pickup for out of towners. There's plenty of porta pots at the start (although bring your own light!). There's also a lot of restaurants open after you finish if you want a bite to eat.
Definitely a must.

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