Double Creek Half Marathon

Double Creek Half Marathon

Double Creek Half Marathon

( 1 review )
No one recommends this race yet.
  • York,
    United States
  • June
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Jared M

Baltimore, Maryland, United States
2 18
"Avoid This Race - It's Awful"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jared M's thoughts:

I have not written a review of a race in a while, but felt like I had to get this out there so folks know all about this race. I have run 43 half marathons to date and, with the exception of one race where they mismarked the course and missed a mile, this was the absolute worst race I have run. Just amateur hour. Here is what was wrong:

1. June races should never start at 8 AM, ever. This one did. You don't want to be out on the course when the temperature crosses 80 degrees which is what happened here.

2. This race started on the grass and easily had 1 1/2 miles on grass. The grass is wet and the change of terrain is bad for runners' knees.

3. We practically ran around in circles for two miles at the beginning of the race to fill distance.

4. The course is a terrible course for a hot June day, there are six miles straight where there is zero tree covers and runners are fully exposed to the blazing sun. Combine that with an 8 AM start and it is misery.

5. The course support was awful. The first water table was 3 1/2 miles in and the second was 6 1/2 miles in. On a hot June day, that is just plain wrong and dangerous.

6. Some dude pulled all of the mile markers from the course while the race was still going on. I don't run with a GPS so after mile 9, I had no idea where I was distance wise. At this point, I was so dispirited that I could not fight the heat anymore.

7. The start line was not publicized. I did not even realize until three minutes before the race that the start line was not the finish line.

8. There was only water and no gatorade on the course.

9. When they sent out the results, they stopped timing at 2:25. I did not finish before then and did not get to see my name on the results list. What a slap in the face to slower runners. I had to email them to get my results.

10. While the shirt was decent, the medal was generic and unimaginative.

I have never vented like this about a race. I love my half marathons, but I was steaming literally and figuratively during this race. When I saw the dude pulling the mile markers, I just gave up. I have almost never seen such a lack of competence among race organizers. If you can't do this right, don't do it at all. Don't just have an event to raise money when you do not know the first thing about running a race. This is a miserable race. If you have any other option, just skip this. I would rather spend twice as much on a race done right. I drove 90 minutes each way for this debacle. What a disappointment.

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