• Orlando,
    United States
  • February
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Murfreesboro, Tennessee, United States
10 24
"Less runner etiquette but better route then Half"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Sam 's thoughts:


So I was not suppose to run this race but a friend got sick and gave me her bid. I know, race management typically frowns upon this but last minute illnesses happen and who would say no to an extra opportunity to get a good run in. Called the Enchanted 10K, this not a bad 10K but it is very crowded and most of the runners have poor runner's etiquette as they stop and cut you off to get to character photo opportunities. I think if someone was to tell me anything about this 10K beforehand, it should of been to enjoy the scenery and the weather rather then focus on time because I ended up getting a bad case of Runner's Knee the day before the half marathon due to having to jump out of someone's way after they stopped in front of me. So yes, my review might be seen as negative which is not my point, my point is to enjoy the run and not shoot for a time. The 10K shares the same expo as all the other runs for the Disney Princess weekend so they have everything you could possibly need for race day and the future. Also, if you need something after the expo, there is a run store Downtown Disney. SWAG is a race specific tech shirt from Champion. Aid stations after every mile or so and the course scenery I think it better than the half because you are in parks more then you are behind the scenes; unlike the half that is mostly on roads to the parks rather than through the parks. Course is really flat but again, not too fast. Not sure on parking since we were at a Disney resort which bused us from hotel to race and took us back again afterwards. Also the resorts do a great job of communicating the bus schedule for the races the day before in the lobby.

Like I said in my half review, the Disney Princess weekend is not my scene but it was a great time with friends and to show them support. I would definitely attend again if asked and hope to attend a different RunDisney event in the future.

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