• Orlando,
    United States
  • February
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Angie Maske-Berka

Iowa, United States
177 213
"13.1 Magical Miles"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Angie Maske-Berka's thoughts:

The expo. Sure it's at the same place every year, with few minor changes, just make sure you know where you're going or just ask, it's a busy place. Red carpet entrance, fit for a Princess!

Sunday February 22, 2015. 60 at the start, 80 at the finish. Sunny. Orlando, FL.

I decided to run on my own, I was dressed as a pink princess, nothing fancy. Costumes are encouraged.

Parking / Transportation: Free parking available at Epcot in lot near start, but I was in the lot chilling with my coffee and honey Stinger Waffle. If you were staying on Disney property a shuttle bus was available. After parking, needed to go through security to get in. Just checking bags.

The pre-race set up was different from the 5k/10k as they needed to shuttle more runners. Bag check was open, and then encouraged to “hurry up & wait” in a holding area. Then with about an hour or so, we were allowed to make the trek to our corrals. Near the corrals were lots of port-a-potties. The music playing from the DJ was heard all over the starting area.

Start: Corral start, lettered A through P. Assigned bibs based on submitted times. Could start in your assigned corral or a lower letter. Many TV screens set up, so runners in the back could see the announcements coming from the starting stage. However the screens were few and far between.. After the National Anthem, some encouraging words from the Fairy God Mother, the first corral was off, on time, with a fireworks salute. There were no men in corral A. My corral was about 5 minutes later.

Course: The sun had yet to rise, so it was still dark, but the course was never difficult to navigate. (Only place to bring a light would be to use a port-a-pottie) This race was crowded, even though the corrals helped split up people it was still a slow start. When the sun came up it was warm, I was sweating after a mile.

The course started on the back roads around Disney. Eventually leading us to the Magic Kingdom. The best part of the race is the right turn on Main St in MK, after mile 5. There are thousands of spectators lining the course, the buildings are lined in lights and the castle is a glow in the distance. After leaving the high from running through the MK and under the castle, there is a lot of running on the back roads, the over passes provided the only hills. There were DJ’s, fire trucks, characters, golf courses, more spectators, in these areas. Eventually the course brought us to Epcot, and around Spaceship Earth to pass the choir and then finish. This race is mostly complete before the parks open.

There were plenty of water and lemon-lime Powerade stops, always in paper cups and each drink was in a different patterned cup. Volunteers made sure you knew which beverage they had. No food stops, except Clif gels. One of the hazards was caused from the cup debris, the others were the speed bumps, tight turns and narrow paths (allowing for bumping into others). All paved surfaces, no pot holes or cracks in the pavement to trip over. Did have to run in the grass areas where it was crowded. (actually found myself running on the grass more, as it was soft) Always felt safe. Each mile was marked with a character banner and a clock.

Spectators were plenty in the areas they could access. Lots of bands with dancers and cheerleaders. High fives or fours, for everyone.

Character stops: I was most excited about my corral placement, as I knew stopping for every character was possible. There were plenty available for photos. Did not encounter any problems with a character taking a break. The lines got shorter the further they were stationed on the course. In reality, a long wait could have been 5 minutes. The worst part about the lines were the group photos, which caused budging in line, then each one needed an individual photo. The character handlers were all friendly and happy to take a photo with my phone.

Characters/stops in order: Barbosa & Captain Jack, 6 princes, Race car, Wreck it Ralph, villians, Buzz Lightyear, Tweedle Dee & Tweddle Dum, Frozen characters on castle, Woody, Snow White with prince, Mary Poppins & Bert, Glass Slipper guys, Genie, Clif Bar, toy soldier (he wasting stopping for photos) Princess Sofia, Ivana Dream, the choir, and Prince Mickey at the finish. Oh I even stopped for a real bathroom in Epcot, cuz I didn't want to use a porto and I didn't want it to be over. Shout out to the spectator with pretzels rods!

Finish clearly marked with a banner and clock. Medals placed around your neck. Table for bottled water and Powerade. Proceeded to get finishers photo, then as a Glass Slipper Challenger, we had to walk through a separate tent for some verification, then got our medals and another photo, then on to post race banana & snack box. (corn chips, processed cheese dip, applesauce, drink mix, Krave cereal, luna bar and dried fruit)

There were post race character photos, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Pochontas, & Merida. The Run Disney official merchandise tent was open. Concessions available, beer & champagne. The DJ was still pumping music.

Overall: relatively flat course, crowded, pricey, lots of fun!

Check out my blog for photos. https://marathang.wordpress.com/2015/03/04/princess-half-marathon-2015/

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