• Westminister,
    United States
  • May
  • 10 miles
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

Tara Hunter

Colorado, United States
0 13
"It also has a 5K"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Tara Hunter's thoughts:

This is a very low key race. It has a 5K and 10 mile option. Maybe it’s a Denver thing, but I thought the registration fee was kinda high for the race. I did wait until the week of, but $45 for a local 5k seemed kinda steep. I mainly did it because some of my run group was running it and I hadn’t run a 5k in a while. Plus I needed to get in 3 miles for my training that day. No way would I have paid $55 for race day to run a public trail.

Pre-race packet pickup only lasts for 3 hours the day before the race on a Saturday late morning/early afternoon. I guess that works for them, but considering it’s such a short window, why bother at all? I still haven’t even opened the little swag bag they gave but it’s about the size of a purse you’d carry when wearing a cocktail dress. The shirt was a long sleeve shirt. It’s a May race. Long sleeve. Granted, I’ve learned weather is very variable in CO in May but a long sleeve shirt in May? No thanks. I can’t even wear it for runs for another 5-6 months. Also, it felt kinda cheap. I couldn’t even tell you where my swag or shirt are right now and this race was last weekend.

The race itself was not much. There were a few vendors in the start area, but for me I’m not interested in that on race day. The route is out and back on the local running path. Unfortunately we were at the back at the start and there’s just no room on the path to get around people. They do make sure to mark the path so runners don’t unintentionally veer off onto any of the dirt tracks that shoot off in some places. There’s not much to see along the course as this isn’t a particularly scenic path. At the finish, all runners are given a carnation and there were mini cupcakes, bananas and hydration. Only those who place get medals. By the time I finished my 5K (~31 minutes) and had a banana they were already announcing awards. I only noticed it as I was headed back to my car.

Overall, kinda disappointed in the race because it just seemed like everyone was making such a big deal of it, I really thought it was going to be a bigger deal. Unless it’s to do it with my run group who I enjoy running with, not likely to run it again.

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