• Los Angeles,
    United States
  • December
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website


Massachusetts, United States
3 10
"Scale some hills above LA"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Dana 's thoughts:

Note: I tagged this race as a trail race, but really it's a hybrid trail and road. It takes place in Elysian Park, and maybe 1/3 of the race is on asphalt; the rest is on dirt, grass, or gravel trails.

I've run this race twice, in 2015 and 2013. It's a fun, chill race, and both times it was a great way to spend a morning. The registration fee is quite steep ($45) if you don't register way in advance. I'd definitely run it again in the future.

Parking is pretty straightforward, and free! Both times I got there early enough to get a spot pretty close to the start/finish, but there seems to be plenty of parking nearby on the grounds of Elysian Park. There are also real bathrooms in the park, which is a bonus! There is packet pickup the day before at a local running store, but I've only ever gotten my bib the morning of. It's a pretty small race, and well organized, so I didn't have any hassle getting my packet then. Plenty of room on the trails and in the park to warm up.

Bright and early start at 8am. Chip timed. Out-and-back course that loops around a bit and involves a steep climb up some dirt switchbacks. Definitely challenging, but the views are amazing and totally worth it... at least that's how I feel now that I'm not currently running up those hills! Be sure to keep an eye out for ankle-breaker holes on the dirt trails.

A cotton t-shirt and a fun, sparkly Rudolph medal. In 2013 the shirts were tech tees.

Aid stations:
I was upset in 2013 that there was no water stop, and was a little peeved that it was the same in 2015. However, looking through pictures after the race, I noticed there *was* a water stop at about the 2.5 mile mark - a little table with cups that might have been water or Gu hydration mix, or possibly both (there was a vendor offering the Gu drink before and after the race). The water stop wasn't advertised, and when I walked right by it I didn't even notice it, but it was there. Also, there was no first aid station to be found... I was looking for ice after the race and couldn't find any. I'm assuming the race officials had something in terms of first aid, and I would have looked harder had I been having an emergency, but whatever might have been there was not easily found.

Course scenery:
Breath-taking, IMO. The race starts and finishes at the top of a hill; on one side is downtown LA and Dodger Stadium, and on the other is mountain ranges (Mount Washington? Highland Park? My LA geography is mostly non-existent) with houses sprinkled on top. Absolutely beautiful on a clear day, or once the smog clears.

Volunteers hand you a medal as soon as you cross the finish, and there's plenty of water mere steps away. Several vendors are by the finish line, too, with free yogurt and protein drinks, as well as information about the charities the run supports. Around 9 or 9:15 bib numbers are called for raffle prizes, and then race awards are given out. It's all very low-key.

Room for Improvement:
It would be nice if more attention was called to the water stop... maybe if volunteers were calling out "water" or if there were signs? The price is a bit steep too, especially for a race with cotton t-shirts, but I don't know how much it costs to host races in the park, pull permits, etc., and the race benefits a few charities, so it's hard for me to complain. Next time I won't wait til the night before to register!

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