Cellcom Green Bay Marathon

Cellcom Green Bay Marathon

Cellcom Green Bay Marathon

( 25 reviews )
96% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Green Bay,
    United States
  • May
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Relay
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Dyenna Schedgick

Wis, Wisconsin, United States
21 19
"Lap around Lambeau - Yes!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Dyenna Schedgick's thoughts:

This was my first official marathon and whatever expectation I had, they exceeded it. I had so many concerns and questions but they were on top of it with first-timers newsletters and the course review/Q&A at the expo.
This was my first time at an expo and it was full of excitement! The areas to get the bag & bib was well marked and there was plenty of space to walk around. You also had the chance to walk out to the stadium so you can view the field from top.
Drop bags were a cinch. They had buses lined up by the finish line and you just needed to drop off your bag at your designated bus (based on your bib#). I was there super early so I hung out in the atrium until start. This meant more access to bathrooms -- and keeping warm!

The start was a mess. There were people everywhere and when the gun went off, I wasn't sure if that was for everyone or just the "elites". I ended being the very last person crossing the start -- after the paramedic even -- due to the confusion.
The course was well-marked and flat. I loved that the community showed up to cheer on runners from their porches or driveways.
We also ran through the old City Stadium - a great break on the knees as we were running on their track.
Aid stations were fully stocked with water, gatorade & gels. Some had oranges and bananas. The best part was the wet towels we were given about half way through as the sun was out and the heat was getting to us.Did I say that was the best part? No, the Jimmy Buffet fan club out on mile 24.5 with margaritas and Jimmy Buffet music was the best. Between them and the sight of the field within view had us in high spirits.
The anticipation of running through Lambeau builds up as we get closer and closer. What an exciting time to go through the tunnel and then out into the field where your friends and family can cheer you on from the stands. After the field lap, it's a short climb up to the Finish line. And there is so much fanfare that you can't not get a 2nd (or 3rd) wind for the short sprint to the finish.

It was very organized at the finish line. After you cross, you are directed to get your medal, cool off in the mist fans, pictures, water bottles and then to the school buses for your drop bag. From there, you can go grab your food and drinks.

Very well organized race and great atmosphere.

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