bRUNch 5K

bRUNch 5K

bRUNch 5K

( 2 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Shorewood,
    United States
  • May
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Jonathan McWalter

Wisconsin, United States
27 55
"Fun 5K with Swag-a-licious Stuff"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jonathan McWalter's thoughts:

I was supposed to run this race with a friend who was just getting back into running and wanted an easy race to jump into, but, their training and preparation took a halt and they didn't recover in time to run. So I did it alone, like many of my races. The expo was non-existent; it was just a packet pickup. The location of the pickup was the same at the race day so it was beneficial to know where to go exactly of the starting point the next day. But I found it extremely annoying that the hour for pickup were from 4-8pm on a Friday in an area that is a pain to get to at that hour due to school and work traffic. Ugh!! The process was simple though so I appreciate that.
Now, the swag for this race is pretty sweet in my opinion. You get the T-shirt, which is your standard t-shirt, a coupon for money off at Performance Running Outfitters, a chaser glass (like for beer with your Bloody Mary) and a sweet medal with bacon and eggs on it! Also, at the post race party/brunch (brunch was something they recommended you sign up for if you wanted a specific time, but you could also just try to get in after the race at your own time risk) you had a choice of post race beer/Bloody Mary/mimosa/soda. I've never had a race where there were that many option for a free drink. And this after your water and banana at the finish line! I chose the beer and even that was not your normal "single option" beer. Since the race was at a beer garden, anything on tap was on a option. So, I actually had to think about it with a dozen choices up there. (I went with a Central Waters IPA, much better than the typical light beer that is served).
The course was nothing exciting but I knew that going in. It being only a 5K, the sidewalk trail that it was on wouldn't take us far before having to turn around to achieve the distance. The course was open, which normally I frown upon, but it wasn't an issue. Your amongst the trees so scenery is limited but at least the trees blocked out the road noise since heavily traveled roads are near by. One aid station, serving water, which I passed on having as I usually do for 5K races. Zero elevation, flat course but wide enough to pass people for the most part.
I know the course itself is not a huge selling factor but the swag and just the pleasantness of the post race party make this a race worth considering, especially if you just want a simple morning run with some sweet swag and post race alcohol.

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