• Morro Bay,
    United States
  • July
  • 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

Brittany Cuzick

Hamilton, Montana, United States
7 7
"First race!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Brittany Cuzick's thoughts:

This was my first half marathon! I live locally in San Luis Obispo, so it was easy to get to. I picked up my packet the day before the race (my birthday!), and it was super easy to go in, pick up, and go home. The swag was awesome! Nice dryfit shirt, a backpack, a hat, and extra goodies inside the backpack! The start line was easy to find at the Rock in Morro Bay, and there was plenty of parking when I got there. The race went from Morro Bay to the Cayucos pier and back, all on the beach with the exception of a half mile paved loop in the second half. At one point we even had to climb over rocks, which was super fun, but not necessarily great if you're looking to PR (but then again, if you're looking to PR you probably don't want to run on the beach). Aid stations had water and electrolytes, and some people who live right next to the beach came out to cheer and support. Since it is a public beach, it's not a closed course, which meant there were other runners/walkers, beach goers, and dogs throughout. Though I never found them to get in the way or cause any issues. The finish area was small, but there was a band and people serving breakfast which was nice! Temps were nice and cool the whole time thanks to running on the beach! Probably won't be running this one again any time soon, but would definitely recommend anyone to run it once!

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