• Richmond,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 5 miles/8K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Kauser Bhaila

Lititz , Pennsylvania, United States
6 27
"The Pacers ever!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kauser Bhaila's thoughts:

the best pacing team led me to a new PR! It was a super cold day, had no expectations, started with the 2 hour pacing team. Right at mile 2 someone stepped on my shoe and it came off! I told my friends to go ahead and i had to go back for my shoe as I was putting it on knowing I wont even make the 2hrs one of the pacers came back for me and said if I can sprint to catch up I'm not out yet, so that what we did! They encouraged throughout, kept us engaged and the miles flew by! The course was amazing, the crowd support was so friendly and awesome the aide stations were plenty with a surprise Coke at mile 11 ( of course I drank that) At mile 10 the pacers advised that teh course was flat and then downhill finish and if we feel like it to leave them, we took up on that and took off and that downhill finish gave us the unexpected PR of 1:57:16!!! Love the fleece blanket after finishing!!

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