Ventura Marathon

Ventura Marathon

Ventura Marathon

( 16 reviews )
93% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Ventura,
    United States
  • September
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Ventura, California, United States
16 15
"Fun and Fast"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Edward 's thoughts:

First of all, I am spoiled. I live in Ventura and the race start is probably 12 blocks from my house. I might be biased :)
The Ventura Marathon (Half) was the first real long distance race I had ever done. Since then I have become a way better runner, so I wanted to race it this year and see how much better I had become.

The course was a little different this year. We did not run through the Ventura Harbor, which was better, since that is just an awkward loop with lots of turns. We did a straight out, straight back race which I am learning I do not like as much. When those races happen, I end up seeing the same things and start counting miles instead of enjoying the scenery! The course is definitely flat and fast.... a good one to qualify for Boston on! The AID stations were plentiful and the volunteers were awesome and enthusiastic. The snacks at the end are always awesome and the medal is pretty different (sunglasses shaped with a bottle opener on them). There were a lot of vendors at the Expo and everyone along the course and finish were awesome. It is a great race when you end at the pier and can enjoy an ocean dip to cool off!

This year was super hot and humid (rare for Ventura) and the course was 0.8 miles longer than it should have been (for the Half only). The staff was gracious enough to adjust the times for the correct distance. Also, they had free, Yes, FREE race photos. BONUS!!

Come out and run Ventura with me next year!!

Hi Ed,
Thanks for the review. We really appreciate your feedback. The weather was definitely bad...At 3am it was hot and humid so knew we were in for a rough day. Hopefully we have a normal year in 2016.
The distance issue was a huge mistake and we are extremely sorry. The half turnaround was put at someone elses mark which threw everything off after mile 6. Inexcusable and will not happen again.

Hope to see you at a training run soon.

Run On!

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