Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend

Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend

Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend

( 12 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Anaheim,
    United States
  • February
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Concord , California, United States
5 6
"Every Mile IS Magic"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Courtney 's thoughts:

This was my first Run Disney event and I just have to say... Take all of my money. I'm in! They call Whole Foods whole paycheck, let's call Run Disney events what they are... penny snatchers, except they steal lots and lots of our dollars.

Wait, is this a negative review?!?!? No way! These races are worth every penny. You know you're at a good race when your whole body is covered in goose flesh because you are so excited. As I approached the start where Daisy and Minnie Mouse were cheering us I had to quickly wipe away tears. Yes, tears! Those juicy inspirational tears we go to the movies for.

Running this race is like getting caught up in nostalgic magic. On top of that there are an abundance of aid stations with amazingly cheerful and supportive volunteers. It's like almost everyone has caught the magic bug!

The characters in the park are fun for photo opps. Seeing that park at sunrise will be a delight for years to come. Once you leave the park the fun doesn't stop! Tons of cheer squads and dance groups are there to cheer you on. The signage from onlookers is equal parts hilarious and motivating.

The take away is that people are, overall, really happy to be here and it shows. That energy is contagious and I want more! So Run Disney, go ahead and keep my debit card. You own me now! LOL

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