• Eagle,
    United States
  • October
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, 50K, 50 miles, Relay
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

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Angie Maske-Berka

Iowa, United States
177 213
"Excellent Trail Race"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Angie Maske-Berka's thoughts:

The 2016 event was held on Sunday September 18. It was a sunny start, it would warm to about 80 for the day. The half marathon, 10k and 5k were on Sunday, and all started at different times. The longer races were held the day before.

Registration: This was available online, and prices were different for each distance. Price increased as race day approached, and if spots were available you could register on race day. Included with registration was a bib with timing chip, tech gender specific short sleeve shirt, finisher's medal and beer.

There were plenty of pre-race emails and if you had any question the website s full of information.

Expo/ Packet pick up: There was no true expo for this event. However there were multiple packet pickups in different cities (Brookfield and Madison, WI and Chicago) They were held Thursday and Friday. The Friday pick up at Brookfield had an event afterwards were the North Face store hosted North Face athletes and the Race Director spoke. If you were not able to grab your packet at that time, you could get it before your race on race day. Then if that didn't work a friend with an image of your drivers license could get your stuff too.

There was plenty of FREE parking at the park, you just got a parking pass when you entered. There were port-o-potties lined up away from all the events. There were tents set up near the start/finish line, many were for race related items, but there were sponsors, games, etc.

Pre-Race: There were lots of announcements prior to the race start, you could tell the guy had been talking all weekend, lol. The half marathon started on time, 8:00 am and there were 5 waves that started one after another, no long waiting in between, just enough to space out participants on the trail. No National Anthem.

Race/ Course: Trail race through the park.
-Hills, nothing steep, but rolling (Garmin elevation 988 over total course)
-All trail surfaces, but easy to navigate and wide spots for passing
-Photographers on course (photos were loaded and available to purchase same day)
-Aid Stations - there were a total of 4 on course with Tailwind and water, both in the same plastic cups. Volunteers made sure to tell you what you were drinking as Tailwind is clear too. There was no real food at this distance, just Clif gels.
-Volunteers at the road crossings, very energetic
-Course was marked with ribbons in trees, the ribbon color matched your bib color, which was distance specific, there were also a few arrows at major turns
-No regular mile markers, but a few here and there
-Spectators at the first/last aid station and many at the start/finish.

Post race/finish: The finishers arch was also the starting arch, so it was easy to find and cross the final timing mat. A volunteer hung a medal around your neck and another one handed out a reusable water bottle (empty.) Participants could fill the water bottle from a "water monster" or a Tailwind cooler. Then there was bananas, oranges, epic bars, bagel pieces and bpi products. There was a Sierra Nevada tent, as each finisher got one free beer. There was "Real meal" type food available for purchase.

All the sponsor tents and race tents were all still open and you could sign up for giveaways, sit in an ice bath or purchase race merchandise. Picnic tables were available for sitting, as well as some tables for the "real meal" food area.

Overall: This is one of the best trails I have run, ok so I am new to trail running, but it is easy enough you really don't need trail shoes, but difficult enough to challenge you. I also like the variety of race distances available, if you brought a group there is a race for everyone.

My race: I am running a marathon a month, so this was just a training run for me. I was able to run with a friend (Laura) the entire race course. At no time did I feel I was racing, the time went by so quickly, it was like I called her up to go for a run and we just chit chatted through the woods. We finished in a time around 2:38, which is pretty decent for me, and on trails.

A few things to note, more like personal cons, but nothing to deter me from running again: the race shirts are a nice fit, but the neck is always so weird, I could fit two heads in them, lol. Also I ran the 50k last year, it's trail, aid stations were stocked with real food....the half and shorter have gels, I am not a gel person and I never really relate trail with gel...however I read the course guide wrong, and should have prepared. The last thing, the post race food...the 5k was on the same day and we watched many keep going back into the food loading up, taking food from those who hadn't finished.

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