That Dam Half

That Dam Half

That Dam Half

( 2 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Denver ,
    United States
  • March
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Angie Maske-Berka

Iowa, United States
177 213
"Dam - that's long"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Angie Maske-Berka's thoughts:

Sunday, March, 1 2015. 9 am. Sunny, 20 degrees.

Registration: Available online and on race day. $55 and $60 on race day. Included with registration, gender specific short sleeve tech tee, bib with timing strip, and finisher's medal.

Packet Pick up / Expo: There was no expo prior to the race. Day before packet pick up held at area running store, which was not close to the race start/finish. The store had a basement where all the bibs and shirts were located. Could not exchange shirt size until race day pick up. The running store did have some in store specials. Same day packet pick up an hour before the race.

Pre-race: The start / finish were near a state park, so we were encouraged to park in the back lot of the neighboring high school, however not a lot of people read the information as there were maybe 25 cars in the back lot. There were some vendors set up under tents like a mini expo was happening. It was cold so we didn't plan on time to visit the vendors. There were a bank of port-o-potties. Lots of announcements happening on the loud speaker.

Race / Course: Encouraged to line up near the start banner, there were no corrals, but it was a small race, and no announcement to line up according to pace. After a taped rendition of the National Anthem, the race was underway. (The wheelchair start was minutes before & the 5k started 10 minutes after the half)

* on paved surfaces, no major cracks or potholes to trip over
* paved sidewalk trail was not clear of ice and snow, very slippery in spots
* out and back course, crowded in spots
* each mile was marked with a cardboard sign, some blew over. According to my Garmin some were not correctly placed
* elevation: running in the mile high city, mostly flat course with one hill down on the way out, so had to climb on the way back
* water and lemon lime Gatorade stops, in the same paper cups. Water had ice, due to temperature.
* Confusing if the volunteer didn't shout your option
* One gel stop, but I think they were out when I got there (I don't like them anyway)
* Volunteers at all intersections
* very few spectators
* Boring scenery, parks are pretty but with out & back, get to see it twice - Maybe I am just mad I couldn't see the mountains
* Running on the dam is longer than you think

Finish / Post race: Clock and banner marked the finish, were handed a medal and a bottle of water. If you did the race as part of the run series were also given an additional medal. Times were already posted. Short walk back to the tents and vendor area, here you were handed a plastic bag, then could fill it with a bagel, sport beans, clif bars; it was already full of race flyers and area information. We finally spent a few minutes at the post race expo, spun a wheel for some lip balm, could have gotten a massage, and signed up for discounted CO races.

Overall: Great price, relatively flat course, boring scenery, all the people were really nice and helpful. It's not a bucket list race, and I am not sure I would run this again, but I wouldn't tell someone not to run it.

Check out my blog for pictures and my personal view:

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