• Salisbury,
    United States
  • April
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Virtual Race
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Vanessa Junkin

Salisbury, Maryland, United States
55 92
"Fast and Flat! "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Vanessa Junkin's thoughts:

I participated in the RunSBY Events for the fifth time this year. I ran the marathon in 2019, and since then, I've been running the half marathon. I live close to the start and just do a warm-up jog to the start. For others, there is plenty of free parking in Downtown Salisbury, about a half-mile from the start (so if you park there, you have to walk to the start, but once you finish, you're at your car).

The course starts by the Salisbury City Park and includes some neighborhood areas and then a long stretch that is pretty rural. Around Mile 9, you reach the Salisbury University East Campus and continue through a short tunnel to the main Salisbury University campus and then through scenic neighborhoods and along the Wicomico River to the finish in Downtown Salisbury.

It's a very flat course with a couple minor hills (and I live here, in a very flat area, so I'm not even sure how noticeable they would be to others).

I personally had a great race this year and ran my fastest half marathon since 2018. I thought there was a good number of aid stations, but some of them could have used more volunteers.

Packet pickup was held the Thursday and Friday before the Saturday race. I think there was just one outside vendor, so it wasn't a huge expo, but expos aren't really important to me. Swag included a purple short-sleeve shirt (for women; men got a gray one); a choice between a race belt, mug and bag (I picked the mug); the finisher medal (for finishers, of course) and free finish line photos.

Bart Yasso was announcing at the finish line, and he's done this before! The post-race party included music by local musicians from AMP Studio, free pizza, beer, water, Gatorade and snacks. The running club that I'm president of, the Eastern Shore Running Club, also awarded our annual scholarships at this event.

Race info was communicated well by the organizers, Rev3, with an "ask the race director" session held a few days before the event and a comprehensive athlete guide.

I always enjoy this race and would definitely recommend it as a fast and flat course!

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