• San Jose,
    United States
  • October
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Arizona, United States
28 32
"Flat, fast with unique course"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
A B's thoughts:

Let me preface this with how much I LOVE Rock N Roll productions... they were my first race, and got me addicted. I love the big crowds, the terrific expos, and fun people along the courses... I love them so much I got the global tour pass, and have traveled from Seattle to Dallas throughout this year to Rock on.. So, with that bias in mind... here goes.

I arrived to the convention center for the expo, expecting the usual awesome swag, local companies, and the RNR standards I have come to expect at every one. It was difficult to park, and cost me $7, but that tends to be the case for these events, and usually they are worth it. However, this expo was small in comparison to the normal RNR. There was no Buff, no TheTube, even the Glukos was tucked away in a corner. I didn't see Power Bar, and the only free thing being given out was an all-juice popsicle that I just couldn't envision walking around, eating. As a tradition, I get the guitar magnet with the city location and race on it... at every single RNR event- please, take my $15... but this expo didn't have any; none.
When I picked up my swag bags, I had signed up for the remix, which means two shirts, two bags (and the goodies inside)... yeah... they gave my just one bag this time. Not a big deal- but all these little things were adding up in my head because of what I had come to expect from RNR.

Race day parking was pretty easy at the arena, however the start line was about a mile away and was not easy to locate. I had to check the course map on the website against Google Maps on my phone. Normally, one can follow the heard or the music to the start, but about 10 of us were all wondering where to go.

Once at the start line, the corrals were easy (both days) and the volunteers were kids from a local HS and they were very professional and friendly. The course was flat and could easily be a PR course (I got very sick the night before an contemplated my first DNF before pride got in the way). There were many aide stations, which I appreciated since I was ill... and the local businesses that had to be closed due to us being on the street had their employees out and cheering us on. One of the unique sites passed is the Rose Garden, where over 4,000 rose bushes make the morning air fragrant and refreshing. They were in full bloom and were quite a site. You also pas very close to the Winchester House, and it was worth seeing post-race, so look into that if you are visiting the city like I was.

Upon finishing, I was not disappointed by the finish line swag I have grown to expect from RNR. Bananas, pretzels, gatorade, chocolate milk, Power Bar, etc.... all the stuff that I love for my long drive home (11 hours). The beer garden and concert were clean, and grassy, and the lines for heavy medals were short and easy to find. I dreaded the long walk back to my car (which again was hard to find and required Google Maps as a foreigner), but once I got there it was easy to jump on the freeway. Plus, I had 5 medals from the weekend between remix, Cali Combo, and Heavy Medal. #bling

So... would I do this again next year? Probably not as the 22 hours in driving was a little much for the lack of amenities and lack of additional things to do in the city (and I'm not willing to drive into the Bay), but if you are local or a couple hours away, you'll enjoy a PR here. Rock On!!

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