Rehoboth Seashore Marathon

Rehoboth Seashore Marathon

Rehoboth Seashore Marathon

( 27 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Rehoboth Beach,
    United States
  • December
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Vanessa Junkin

Salisbury, Maryland, United States
55 92
"One of my favorite races! "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Vanessa Junkin's thoughts:

I promoted this race for BibRave and was given a free entry as a pacer through Beast Pacing.

This is one of my favorite races! This was my fifth year pacing the half marathon, and prior to that, I ran the marathon twice and the half three times. The race is very well-organized. There's a super active Facebook group, and the race director has plenty of info on the website and answers questions personally. The course is easy to follow, and it seems like everything has been thought of.

There were plenty of aid stations, and they all had great support. The course is beautiful and takes runners along Rehoboth Beach's main stretch, in residential areas, on the boardwalk and on the Junction and Breakwater Trail. About three miles of the course are on a crushed stone trail (part of the Junction and Breakwater Trail). It's a flat course.

I drove to the race on race morning, and I arrived an hour early because I had to be there early for pacing. There is race morning packet pickup, and it was easy to walk right up and get my bib, shirt and reusable bag. There was a line later in the morning, so just arrive early if you plan to pick up your packet that day. Because I arrived so early, I parked right by the start. Parking is free at this time of the year because it's the offseason.

Participants also get a great post-race party with a full buffet (mac and cheese, meatballs, veggie burgers, waffle sticks, bacon, sausage, etc.) and three Dogfish Head beers. There's a DJ and dancing.

Participants also get free race photos.

If you want to do this race, it is better to sign up earlier in the year if you want to save money, as the price increases throughout the year.

Read my full recap at she runs by the seashore dot com.

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