• Omaha,
    United States
  • October
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Steven Ericson

Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
2 18
"Back in downtown Omaha (sort of)"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Steven Ericson's thoughts:

Pre-race: Not a ton of communication leading to the race, but enough to keep you informed. Nicest part was the pre-race email that had a link to the results, so you could easily find your chip time after finishing the race.

Expo is not applicable, as it was really just packet pick-up at Nebraska Brewing Co. in LaVista (about 20 minutes from downtown Omaha).

Shirt/Swag: The race shirt was a nice, dri-fit long-sleeve shirt. Medal looks like the race logo on a blue and black lanyard. Post-race beer from Nebraska Brewing was brewed and branded for the race, which was especially cool. The beer was a lemon shandy, which got non-beer drinkers is a great choice.

Aid Stations: There were 4 aid stations with water, but no electrolyte drink. Due to the out-and-back nature of the course, runners actually got 8 aid stations. There was no Gu or other nutrition on the course.

Course scenery: Course starts in a really attractive pedestrian mall before going through the Old Market area and passing the downtown arena and baseball stadium (home of the Men's College World Series) before taking runners across the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge into Iowa. The majority of the race was run in Iowa (approximately 7 miles) along the Council Bluffs Levee Road. The route provides some great views of Omaha, but running along I-29 is extremely boring.

Crowd support was rather minimal. There were some spectators at River's Edge Park, but otherwise due to being downtown there were no residents cheering on runners.

Elevation: Per my Strava data, I gained 253 feet in elevation. The course has a few rolling hills, but other than the rise and fall of the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge it is a pretty flat course.

Overall: The start area was really easy to find, especially staying at a nearby hotel. However, more obvious signage could be used to help runners navigate the turns coming back from Iowa and through a bit of construction before returning to the pedestrian mall. As a no frills, get it done race, it is a good event. However, running most of the race in Iowa was extremely boring. Hopefully, the course changes in the future and the amount of running in Iowa decreased.

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