Mean Streets

Mean Streets

Mean Streets

( 1 review )
No one recommends this race yet.
  • Indianapolis,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Mud/Obstacle Race
  • Event Website


Slidell, Louisiana, United States
3 21
"Great Concept, But Lacked Execution"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jessica 's thoughts:

I hope this organization has improved since I ran it years ago. The concept was amazing - urban 5k with movie stunt obstacles. The course wound through downtown Indianapolis, along the canal and the start waves did nothing to keep the obstacles from backing up. I stood in line for 15 minutes waiting my turn to climb a ladder two stories and jump into a dumpster filled with foam blocks. After that it was a quick up and into a dumpster before several over/unders and climbing through window frames and over chainlink walls. I really wasn't impressed with the actual obstacles compared to the ones represented on the website. Later I found out that it was only the third time the organization had done the race so I'm sincerely hoping they just had a rough start and have greatly improved their race since then.

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