• Minneapolis,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Tia Hedenland

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
19 12
"Always Dun Downtown!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Tia Hedenland's thoughts:

This was my 2nd year running a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. First time running the Turkey Day 5K. I was excited that the location was in Downtown Minneapolis as I live in the West Metro and needed it to be a smooth, fast morning so I could get back home to cook!

While this race did not have an actual "expo". Packet pickup was offered at multiple LifeTime Fitness locations around the metro. Which makes it super convenient no matter which direction you happen to live to pickup your shirt/bib etc. If you are curious as to the swag. Love the shirts we received. Great quality, color is fantastic and the material is super soft. (signing up with a large group offered a cute winter hat)

Parking was pretty simple. Multiple ramp options, on street spaces if you could find them nearby. I live just west of downtown. So I chose to Uber. Beat the traffic and faster access to race day packet pick-up. (NOTE: while race day packet pickup is an option. Make sure to get in line early. Quite a few people chose this option and I stood in line for quite some time. Keep track of cut off time before race starts)

If you have ran a race in downtown Minneapolis before, you are familiar with the route/scenery. The race started just a few blocks from Target Center. Ran a few blocks in downtown and followed along the West River Parkway. While the scenery isn't amazing. You do get a nice view of downtown and of the river for the short 3.1miles.

Favorite part of this race was the Turkey Tailgate Lot. Plenty of photo op spots. Post-race snacks were great. And being its winter here in MN. Free Hot Cocoa and Cider were served as well. For those looking to have a bit more of a kick-off to their Thanksgiving...the race partnered with MN's own Greay Duck Vodka and for those runners 21+ you could enjoy a FREE spiked Cider after you were finished. WIth loads of games, great music and funny dressed up person as a turkey running around it was a great time after the race.

So will I be back. Yes! It was a fun morning. I love Minneapolis races. And Turkey Day 5K did it right!

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