Hawkeye Fallout 25k/50k

Hawkeye Fallout 25k/50k

Hawkeye Fallout 25k/50k

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Solon,
    United States
  • October
  • 50K, Other
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

Angie Maske-Berka

Iowa, United States
177 213
"Inaugural Event"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Angie Maske-Berka's thoughts:

The race took place Saturday, October 27 in Solon, IA, around Lake MacBride, starting at 8 am, with the 25k. It was a gorgeous fall day, temps to top out near 60 with the sun shining bright.

This race is the fall sibling to the spring event. The idea was to run the course in the opposite direction. However, with too much rain in the area weeks before, the spillway crossing was not possible. The RD came up with an entirely different route.This also made dropping to the 25k during the race not an option.

Registration: This was available online, and via paper form. Included with your entry is a unisex, quarter zip, bib & timing, well supported aid stations, finisher's medal.

Packet pick up/ expo: There is no expo for this race. You could get your bib at the running store the days before the event, or someone else could grab your things too. There was also pickup the day of the race, this is also the only time to get the timing chip that went around your ankle.

Pre-race: The location of the event allowed for ample on site, free parking. There is an indoor facility that had race day pick up and indoor bathrooms. In addition to grabbing a timing chip, participants were encouraged to get a reusable, collapsible cup, as the event was cupless. People milled about, laid back atmosphere. When it was time to start the race, people lined up, and there was a "GO." No National Anthem.

Race/Course: The 50k course was an out an back on the south side of the Lake, followed with an out and back on the north side of the lake.
-Terrain: crushed limestone, paved, single track trail, road shoulders, mud, gravel
-Elevation: there are hills, ravines. Prepare for them...however it's not the mountains, just be ready for some short climbs.
-Scenery: The leaves and time of year made for the perfect backdrop. There is a highway section, that wasn't as scenic, but the changing tree leaves could be seen on all parts of the course. The trail sections and near the water were gorgeous!
-Photographers: One official photographer who kept close to the start and finish area. Photos posts online after the event, I believe they are available for purchase. * I was only spotted at the start as they photographer was not around when I came through after my first 17 miles.
-Spectators: Not many people on the course. However all the aid stations provided pep & cheer!
-Course markings: the course was marked with pink flags or ribbons in the trees. There were no mile markers.
-Aid Stations: There were 2 stops on the first out and back, a stop at the start/finish, then another stop that you would hit twice on the second out and back. Well stocked with water, Tailwind, soda, chips, cookies, candy, gummy bears, sandwiches, pickles - and the volunteers were ready to fill bladders.
-Volunteers: Great group of people helping and cheering you into the aid stations, filling water packs. Anything that was needed, there was someone to help.

Finish / Post race: Easy to see with a timing mat and clock. Other participants were cheering in runners. A volunteer placed a medal around your neck, while another grabbed the ankle timing chip. There was a post race pot luck, all participants brought something to share.
*a lot of the food was consolidated and packed up when I finished, but I wasn't super hungry. There was fruit, cookies, remnants in crockpots, chips, etc.

My Race: I was only 6 days from setting a marathon PR, I didn't have any expectations but to finish before the 8 hour cutoff time. My super ambitious goal was to finish before the Iowa football game started, so I would see how it went.

Well, right from the start, I was almost the last person. There were only 35 ish runners in this distance, and it didn't bother me as I know people start too fast. However, I joined up with another runner and we ended up running the entire first out and back together. This was nice as I am not too familiar with the trails and I knew we had to do a couple loops in the woods. We walked the uphills, navigated the leaf covered tree roots and he took all the selfies!!

We came back to the start and finish and he noticed the course was going to be long. I noticed during that time, I had accidentally paused my watch and my mileage was different than his. We were in and out of that start/finish aid station and that is when I pulled away from him. It was lonely, but I just kept trucking along. I also knew I wasn't going to be back before the start of the game.

I made it to the turn around, and said hi to him and the sweeper, he was still well behind me. I was starting to struggle, but I knew I would finish. It also helps that the scenery, with the lake and the sun was stunning!!

At the start of the game, I called my husband and checked in with the score. We had already scored a safety.

I walked and ran to the finish line, consuming the oatmeal pie I snatched from the last aid station. That last loop on the asphalt was a joy. I came to the finish line with a 7:40 something, and a distance PR as the course was long at around 32 miles. I felt good too, except for a random blister that had formed under a toenail.

Josh was at the finish line with score updates, the Hawks were winning, but then as we waited for my running friend to finish, they tied it up. Spoiler alert: the Hawks ended up losing the game, they did better when I was running.

My friend finished the race, and as it turns out, Josh knows him. Seriously.... anyway, everyone finished before the cutoff. I grabbed an apple and drank some more Gatorade, and drove the 15 minutes home.

Overall: I really liked the fall answer to the spring event. I also liked the out and back in each direction, versus the reversed loops. The course was always different in my opinion. It's also nice to have an ultra sooo close to home. I am ready to run the spring event!

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