• Philadelphia,
    United States
  • May
  • 10 miles, Virtual Race
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Meridith Daniel

New Jersey, United States
67 38
"It’s Raining, It’s Pouring"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Meridith Daniel's thoughts:

But I wasn’t snoring! I was running 10 miles.

I've done this race a few times in the past years but the 2016 was unlike the others. This time it was all about reminding myself that I have it within me to do difficult things. I suppose we all need that reminder occasionally.

So, here are a couple of facts about my race.

My goal was to hit under 2 hours.

I did not achieve that goal.

Were it a different day, weather wise, I have no doubt that I could and would have. But it wasn’t a different day.

It rained. A LOT.

That was the disappointing part. Whomp whomp, poor me.


My best time before this year at Broad Street was back in 2013 and that was in 2:04:48. This year I finished in 2:03:35. Not too shabby!

The race is point to point, starting near Central High School and finishing right inside the Navy Yard. As such, I always park at the nearby stadiums and take the Broad Street line (free on race day with a bib). The train ride was fairly uneventful - crowded with racers headed to the start but uneventful. I can assure you that I was mostly dreading what was to come. No, not the race. But the WAITING.

Waiting for the race to start was pretty miserable. Being in the last corral on a beautiful day isn’t bad. Being in the last corral in the rain is exactly what you’d imagine. Socks and shoes quickly get soaked, you get poked by umbrellas, and you can’t really hear people when you have plastic surrounding your head.

We crossed the start like 57 minutes after the first racers began their journey. The winner finished the race before we begun!

I was blown away by the amount of support that was out there. The people of Philly really do love to love and the amount of people that lined the streets with cowbells, pots and spoons, signs, and even children doling out the high fives was still more than I’ve seen at other races on bright and sunny days. There were bands playing and the amount of people at City Hall was comparable to the other two years I’ve done this race.

Just as impressive were the volunteers who were out there getting it done like it wasn’t even raining. They cheered loudly as we came through. At mile 7ish there was a volunteer chanting “Don’t stop, get it, get it!” over and over and the enthusiasm was contagious.

It. Was. Awesome.

Not everything is going to be easy and this race was a good reminder of that fact. Attitude has much to do with success and while I didn’t hit my exact goal, I’m very proud that I got out there, ran in the rain, and gained a shiny new PR!

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