Bass Pro Conservation Marathon

Bass Pro Conservation Marathon

Bass Pro Conservation Marathon

( 8 reviews )
87% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Springfield,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Relay
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Springfield, Missouri, United States
2 10
"Premier Half Marathon!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Sara 's thoughts:

My second year running this race and I love it even more than the first!

Registration: Easy from their website. To my knowledge, the race did not sell out this year, but usually will come close. A friend of mine was able to register one week before the race with no issue.

PreRace: For area runners, Bass Pro offers a kick off night with training plans and tips, as well as food, several months out from the event. They also offer happy hour a month or so out from race day. They reveal the medals for all events and theme for the year (this year was the eagle!). They also show the shirt and other clothing items that will be available for purchase at the Expo.

Expo: It's huge! Tons of vendors (races, New Balance, Bondi Band, local running clubs, etc) pack the White River Conference Center for two days leading up to the event. It's easy to get to the tables to pick up your gear and you get an awesome, reusable bag that is large enough to use for grocery shopping or carrying gear to a run or the gym. I have used my 2013 bag countless times and I know the 2014 bag will be no different.

Race: Parking can be difficult with 8,000 runners so carpooling and getting there early is ESSENTIAL. They do a great job promoting the pace groups and going over instructions. There was a big mix up this year where many runners turned too soon before the marathon/half marathon split, but pacers were able to keep their groups on track so no distance was lost. There were tons of people on the street out supporting runners and each aid station was full of energy, had plenty of supplies and awesome volunteers.

Course: It's relatively flat and fast, as far as SWMO courses go. One of my favorite courses! The leaves have turned and it was just gorgeous.

Pictures: For some people, this is a big thing. They had photographers in several areas and the shots were for the most part great. However, I don't see the reasoning for charging $15 for a SINGLE digital print when I paid $80 for my registration. I wish RDs would think more about this.

Overall: One of my favorite events. Bass Pro works so hard with the community to make this event amazing. I will do it again and again!

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