305 Half Marathon & 5K

305 Half Marathon & 5K

305 Half Marathon & 5K

( 22 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Miami Beach,
    United States
  • March
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Meridith Daniel

New Jersey, United States
67 38
"PR in FUN!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Meridith Daniel's thoughts:

I had the opportunity to run the 305 half marathon as a BibRave Pro.

When my fellow BibRave Pro and my friend for years, Ashley, mentioned that she was interested in signing up for this race, I immediately started making plans to join her. My parents live about an hour outside of Miami and I knew that a break from the cold New Jersey winter would be just what I needed at the beginning of March. We knew right away that our plan for this race was to get a PR... in fun. I'm happy to report that it did not disappoint.

I registered in January through Athlinks and it was quick and easy!

There was no expo but there were a few opportunities for bib pickup prior to the Sunday morning race in Miami Beach and Miami. They also allowed for race morning pickup and since we were driving from a distance, that's what we opted for. We woke up early allowing us plenty of time.

We found a parking garage a block away from where we needed to be. After turning into the lot we saw that it was a steep $50 for 5 hours. Yikes! Any additional time meant an additional $50! (We actually arrived back right at the 5 hour mark and the machine tried to charge us but thankfully the attendant fixed it.)

Shirt and bib pickup was quick and easy. The start and finish village were right next to each other and there were plenty of portapotties. There was a coffee bar in the start village and just beyond that area was the beach.

Shirt sizing is my nemesis so if you're like me and have sizing issues too, the shirts are men and women's cut and they were Sport-Tek brand this year. I ended up getting a shirt that's too large but oh well, you win some, you lose some! The shirts were a bright turquoise with purple lettering - very Miami!

The course was a big loop through Miami Beach and Miami. The corrals we well marked with the paces and there were pacers placed throughout the corrals as well. They had the music pumping, a fun light up guy on stilts and after a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem (seriously, one of the best I've ever heard) we were off and running just after 6:15.

The sun started to rise and it got hot quickly. Thankfully there was a breeze and well spaced aid stations throughout the course. While we were running we realized that some of the 5k runners somehow started running early with the half marathon runners - whoops! They stopped at the aid station near mile 3... not sure how they got back to the start.

For those thinking that this course is entirely at sea-level (like me, I don't always read the race guides like I should), think again! The causeways over the water are pretty steep on both incline and decline and there were about four of these throughout the race. However the sights were gorgeous and there was actually a rainbow that draped over the entire course for the first 5 miles!

No crowds to speak of but the volunteers and police were supportive. There were also about 4 DJs along the route. Ash and I didn't bring music but we were jamming to the beats as we went by them. We also ran right near where the cruise ships were docked, it really was a scenic event!

We finished the race with a BibRave shout out from the announcer and grabbed cold water and towels. There were free pictures from the course and finish and I love them all!

There was an issue with the medals not arriving on time, which we learned about 2 nights prior to race morning. I appreciate that they kept runners informed of how things transpired. We were given a temporary medal and a Starbucks gift card from UPS. The actual medals are going to be shipped to each runner within the next few weeks. Mistakes happen and I appreciate that they made every effort to make it as close to right as possible.

The finish area had a great assortment of snacks, choice of Bloody Mary or beer, and other fun stuff! Everyone was in good spirits and it was exactly how a Florida race should end! Ashley and I took a few minutes to walk over to the beach, take a few pictures, and then headed out.

For more thoughts/pictures, visit: http://www.scootadoot.org/2019/03/08/race-recap-miamis-305-half-marathon/

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