• Providence,
    Rhode Island,
    United States
  • May
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

William Brent

EMMAUS, Pennsylvania, United States
36 52
"How about them hills...."
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
William Brent's thoughts:

The good: there was a ton of course support! 18 aid stations on the marathon course!
The bad: I think the course map could have been more detailed.
The ugly: you wouldn't think there were as many hills in the ocean state... but there were a few painfully placed hills.

Registration was a breeze, as usual.
As a side note; I really liked the ability to have an early start (for walkers or runners who need to take a bit more time)

Communication from race management was adequate. The only complaint I had was the precise start line was not provided.
I found it (obviously) but usually the cross streets, or a landmark is provided. All the instructions read "downtown"

I didn't feel there was a ton of hype leading up to the race though. A few other races send out a training update or a monthly reminder. Those aren't necessary, but are nice to have.

There was no expo, which isn't necessary. Generally I don't have enough time to go to the expo. Packet pick up was at a local running store, but parking at the store was a bear. The running store was surprisingly spacious and everyone was pleasant.

The course:
Race morning was well organized and there were plenty of port-o-johns
Parking for free was non existing, but you could get right up to the start line and then have access to shops and restaurants along the way.

I think the highlight was there were 18 aid stations on course! Unheard of!

Despite the run being largely on a bike path, there was a ton of crowd support.

The hills though... the hills.....
I didn't realize the ocean state was going to be so hilly. To be honest it wasn't as bad as New York...but the placement of the inclines were painful.

I recommend this race to anyone who wants a surprising challenge In a very scenic location.

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