Latest reviews by Brittany Sorrell

"Great Inaugural Race! "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

The Expo:
The South Padre Island Marathon officially kicked off at the Schiltterbahn Waterpark event center.
I had the pleasure of being one of the volunteers helping with packet pickup, and got to speak with many runners. Everyone who I came across was extremely nice and the organization of the event directors was impressive considering this is the inaugural race.

As I stated below, the expo in itself was small. There was the local running store with a variety of running gear, along with the race’s gear and wears for sale. There was also many local races there recruiting runners and I was happy to get many ideas for my next races! (Can you say Mud Run?!) lol

Race Day:
I was very lucky in that the start line was only a few blocks from my house. Like seriously, my running partner in crime came here and we walked over. (How cool is that?!) lol So I did not have the crazy long commute or anything that a lot of other runners had. We walked over and got in the corral which was open, no strict placement but the pacer’s signs helped us get in the right place. We had a while in the corrals before we got to take off, since they were waiting on shuttles coming across the bridge from the island, so we got to stretch and discuss our nerves with the other runners.

And then we were off! The course traveled down Hwy. 100 onto the Queen Isabella Causeway first. This causeway had the first and only incline on the whole course just a few 100 yards into the course. The views from the top of the causeway were pretty awesome, especially since we were there as the sun was coming up!

The causeway made up the first 5k of the race, and there was our first water station right as we got off. The race continued to the south end of the island into Isla Blanca Park, as the road wound around the park we were greeted with great views of the intecoastal waterway with the South Padre Island Jetties and the Boca Chica Jetties on either side. This route through the park also took us along the South Padre Island beach for about a mile so we got to see the surf crashing and hear the birds working.

As we got out of Isla Blanca, we got another water station and port-a-potty break and we were off to running on Padre Blvd. We ran along Padre passing many businesses and it was great seeing so many spectators along the route. It helps so much when you are reading the signs and giving high-fives rather than thinking about the remaining 8 miles. There were several water stations along Padre Blvd, as well as a few more as the route cut over to Gulf Blvd. and then back across the island to Laguna Blvd.

The races courses split after a detour along one of the prettiest areas of the island, and then the Half Marathon course had 1 mile of spectator lined roads that led to the finish line!

If there was one thing that I would change about this race it would be the road leading to Clayton's (the finish line) was blocked off, meaning if you were meeting someone at the finish line they would have to park down the street and walk. The problem is that down the street is residential areas and there is no parking there. This gave me a mile walk to the car after my 13.1 mile run and with a runner's knee acting up, that was a bit much. If they would allow through traffic to the convention center (where they told people to park to begin with, but then closed both sides of the road leading to it) it would make for a short walk to get to a car and allow for a huge parking lot.

I can not wait to run this race again next year! This overall was an amazing experience for my first half marathon and I am looking forward to training to do the full next year!

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"Sandy Fun! "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

I ran this with some coworkers and we had a blast! The location is great. You really cannot beat races on the beach! The obstacles were great. There were a few small tweaks I would recommend (ie: taller monkey bars, bring back the big slide, more climbing obstacles... etc. ) but the race was well run, well organized, there were plenty of water stations, volunteers, and we even got a chance to talk with the man in charge while waiting our turn on an obstacle (a first in my running career, they are never in the trenches)

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"Yearly Fun! "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

I do this race yearly, this was my third year. This race is a little different since it is a night run. You take off at dusk and run just feet away from the waves on the beaches of South Padre Island. Watch your step and wear a headlamp because every sand castle that was made and hole that was dug on the beach that day become an obstacle you must run through/over/around!

Packet Pickup:
You were able to pick up your swag bags, chip timers, and shirts at the running store in Harlingen (1 hour away from the island) the days prior to the race, or at the hotel directly next to the race the day of the race. I tend to just send my better half to grab my bag for me and they never have a problem with that. The Shirts for this year were not the performance shirts like they were in previous years which was a little downer, but the design was nice and I still liked it.
Race Day:
They hold the race at Clayton's Beach Bar on the far end of the island. There is a HUGE parking lot here since it is such a big venue, but people still end up parking along the road, across the street at the convention center, and in the grassy field next to it so be prepared, and get there early for better parking! There is usually a bad playing on the deck, food available from Clayton's kitchen, of course a full bar for any non runners that are just going to hang out, and a few vendors booths.

Starting line/Race:
The starting line tends to bunch up. This is a smaller race so no chutes or staggered release. The 5k and 10k runners leave together and run together all the way until the turn around for the 5k.
There are several water stations along the course and everyone has always been very helpful at pointing out places you should watch out for along the way. As stated before it is advisable that you wear a headlamp as you run. There were many mounds of sand, along with holes and washed out spots that you will have to dodge, jump, or go around. The beach is usually deserted although, this year there were even a few people with tents, glow lights and other light up things along the route cheering us on which was a welcome surprise.

Post Race:
After the race the festivities continued on the deck. Runners received 1 free beer (Shocktop this year) and 1 BBQ plate per entry. I did not eat the BBQ plate so I cannot report if it was good or not (Sorry). We prefer not paying $17 a round (YIKES!) for post race beverages so we left Clayton's and went to one of the local bars down the island.

All and all I recommend running this race and look forward to next year!

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