Latest reviews by Jennifer Zenuch

"Fun run through Lafayette and great after party."
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

This is a fun race, well organized, with lots and lots of great Cajun food, music and drinks at the post race festival.

- Flat, fast course through some very pretty, scenic parts of Lafayette
- Smaller, local race so it's not too over crowded.
- Good race support on the course.
- Fun finishers medal with a giant Z!
- Very nice tech tee race shirt. It's actually one of my faves.
- Great post-race festival with a wide array of food and drinks. You cannot beat the food in Lafayette!
- Ample amount of race parking at the start and at the expo. Very easy to maneuver.

- I really don't have any!

Neutral but notable:
- The expo is a little small, but there were still some different vendors there that I hadn't seen before.
- This race is usually around Easter so it's fun to see all the bunny ears on the course. :)

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